Thursday, May 3, 2012
Courage, Fear and Faith
Some have mistaken that courage is to have a lack of fear--but one can be fearful and still have courage. Courage is to act in the face of fear, to work through something you are scared of, and then overcome your fear. This takes maturity (aspects of maturity are doing things which one does not want to do, but doing them because they know it is the correct thing)--Just as courage is to be afraid, but doing it anyways. The mistaken definition of Courage (as stated above), is actually a definition of faith--for faith is the opposite of fear. Courage leads to faith though, because as one acts against fear (Courage) one increases in faith--faith in yourself and in God. Christ's faith was so infinite that oftentimes he didn't need courage, there is only one scriptural reference I found that expressed Christ's need to use courage to overcome fear. It is found in Matthew 26, "Then saith he (Christ) unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death... And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (MATT 26:38-39). We then realize in the Doctrine and Covenants just how much Courage, faith and obedience Christ had--He knew what was going to happen to Him, and followed the Will of the Father and did it anyways--He took the sins of the World upon Him, "Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed from every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit--and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink--Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men" (Doctrine and Covenants 19:18-19). What great courage it takes to follow the will of the Father! But as we have Courage to follow His will, we increase in faith--and with that faith, fear is dispelled!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Seven Laws
It is interesting what one can find when one thinks outside of the box. I was meeting with a client recently and he told me about something he found which had really helped him. He stated that he found this help in a very unorthodox area--he was watching the evangelical television station. Although he didn't agree with most of what the evangelical minister was saying, or his stance on making excessive amounts of money off of ministering (a.k.a. priest craft), he did glean some great wisdom from one aspects of this preacher's ministry. The following in a synopsis of the Seven Laws of Success, by the minister, Mike Murdock:
Law # 1 The Law of difference
This is having the wisdom to be able to discern difference. What makes you different from everyone else. What problem can you solve?
Law#2 The Law of the MindKnowing how to focus the mind, to rule the mind, to make the mind work for you, not let the mind control you. To learn, to be focused, to concentrate, to have a picture in your mind of what you want and go for it, like visualization. See it. Have pictures up on the wall.
Law# 3 The Law of Recognition
The thing you need is there; it’s just a matter of recognizing it. If there’s something missing in your life, there’s more than likely something you’re not seeing. Most of the time it’s right in front of your face but you are so conditioned and so distracted that you don’t see it. I like this one a lot. Tai chi helps with this, and taking the time for contemplation and meditation. What are you not seeing?
Law #4 The Law of 2
Mike Murdoch speaks of the power of covenant, and that the difference in seasons is a person. One person can change your life in 24 hours. All you need is one person to recognize what is special about you, to take you on as a mentor to you, to enter into a covenant with you. Who is that person?
Law #5 The Law of Place
Where you are is as important as what you are. Mike Murdoch speaks of Jesus, who had to leave his hometwown and preach elsewhere to be recognized. When you are where you belong, your genius emerges. So it behooves us to consider whether we are where we need to be, and if not, where is that place.
Law #6 The Law of Honor
Your future is determined by who you have chosen to honor. You must have a code of honor. Honor is a seed that will outlast a lifetime.
Law #7 The Law of the Seed
Our offerings to God are seeds that produce a harvest. There are many types of seeds in our life. Honor is the seed for access, kindness is a seed, time is a seed, love is a seed, teaching is a seed, giving is a seed. This law is to work in the financial arena as well
These "laws", as per my client helped him have a paradigm shift in his therapy. He realized how to make significant changes in his life by processing through these "laws"
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