Monday, February 15, 2010

Emotional Abandonment (Continued)

...There is more arguing because there is less effective, healthy communication going on. The person who has emotionally checked out hears no opinion but his own and cares about no opinion but his own. These arguments can come quickly and are usually the result of feelings that do not get expressed on a daily basis. As a result, an explosion occurs.

Physical distance is also a factor in emotional abandonment. When a couple is going through an emotional abandonment issue, they often stay as far away from each other as possible. They spend time in separate rooms, go places separately, and go to bed at different times. Its almost as if they are not even a couple. They rationalize this by saying "He doesn't listen to me anyway, or he doesn't really care if I'm with him of not."

There are several reasons emotional abandonment can occur, and it can happen with either one or all of the reasons present.

A person who emotionally abandons a partner is often self absorbed. He simply does not see his partner's needs or wants. The world revolves around him, and unless his world is shaken in some way, he is unaffected. He does not even notice his partner's sadness, anger, or happiness

(To be concluded)

1 comment:

Sidney said...

I am not really enjoying the fact that I am connecting strongly with this!