Thursday, October 6, 2011


Here are the groups were are offering at AAIM Counseling:

AMAC (Adults Molested as Children) Men's Group. Cost: $35. This will be a 16 week male specific AMAC group, starting Oct 19th @ 7pm. Because of the intimate nature of this group, it will close after four weeks and will be restricted to 8 group members, so please refer soon. The group will be lead by Rick Frank PhD. You can contact him directly @ 801-425-5559

Marriage Growth Group. Cost: $35. This will be an ongoing open group to help build skills and resolve dysfunctional interpersonal problems in a marriage. Group begins November 17th @ 7pm. This group will be lead by Rick Frank PhD.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - Skills Group. Cost $40 (two hour group). This will be an open DBT skills group, focusing on increasing interpersonal effectiveness skills, mindfulness skills, distress tolerance skills and emotional regulation. Group begins November 30th @ 7pm. This group will be lead by Danielle Schnieder. You can contact her directly @ 801-808-6626

If you have any questions for me, please contact me @ 801-808-6516.

1 comment:

Terri Elise said...

I'm glad to see you finally posted another blog. It's not your most riveting or reflective article. However, it delivers the message. :)