Thursday, May 3, 2012

Courage, Fear and Faith

Some have mistaken that courage is to have a lack of fear--but one can be fearful and still have courage. Courage is to act in the face of fear, to work through something you are scared of, and then overcome your fear. This takes maturity (aspects of maturity are doing things which one does not want to do, but doing them because they know it is the correct thing)--Just as courage is to be afraid, but doing it anyways. The mistaken definition of Courage (as stated above), is actually a definition of faith--for faith is the opposite of fear. Courage leads to faith though, because as one acts against fear (Courage) one increases in faith--faith in yourself and in God. Christ's faith was so infinite that oftentimes he didn't need courage, there is only one scriptural reference I found that expressed Christ's need to use courage to overcome fear. It is found in Matthew 26, "Then saith he (Christ) unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death... And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (MATT 26:38-39). We then realize in the Doctrine and Covenants just how much Courage, faith and obedience Christ had--He knew what was going to happen to Him, and followed the Will of the Father and did it anyways--He took the sins of the World upon Him, "Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed from every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit--and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink--Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men" (Doctrine and Covenants 19:18-19). What great courage it takes to follow the will of the Father! But as we have Courage to follow His will, we increase in faith--and with that faith, fear is dispelled!


Unknown said...

I'm going to be honest, I have read this blog post, and I have researched it. I am one that has misunderstood the difference between "courage" and "faith". It is very easy to do. In my research I found a beautiful interpretation of "faith" and "courage". On my interpretation from my research says that "Faith waits, picks up signs, listens patiently to the silence until that silence is filled with the presence and peace of God, despite all we still do not understand." "Just having a certain level of faith guarantees nothing. It is in the choosing to act on one's faith (however small) that brings the miracle. And in this choice, are the seeds of Courage."

If you read my comments in the prior post under "being and eternal one-ness" I discussed the woman that touched the robes of the Savior and was healed. She had been sick for over 12 years. Women were not allowed to talk to men. No doubt she had seen many Doctors and after 12 years many would say she could not be cured. This woman needed the Faith to be healed, but she also needed the Courage to push her way thru the crowd of people. All she wanted was to be "close enough to touch".

In reality, with many of the issues that everyone faces today, we all feel "fear", and there is not one of us that doesn't need both "courage" and "faith" to overcome even the slightest temptation.

Before I started my journey I knew where I stood when it came to Faith. My friend and I joked that if the Lord would have called me to get out of the boat and to walk to him on the water, I would have sunk. My friend would often joke that at least I got out of the boat. The point that I am trying to make is even like the Apostle Peter, he felt "fear", he had Faith in the Savior, and he had "courage" to get out of the boat. Oh, how I wish it were an easy task to get out of the boat, but with even the slightest bit of Faith, it can be done.

butterflytears said...

What great courage it takes to follow the will of the Father! But as we have Courage to follow His will, we increase in faith--and with that faith, fear is dispelled! I keep reading this statement over, and over, and over. And I ask myself if I will ever be able to follow the will of the Father? I want to, I try to, but I don't. My will seems to be at odds. I try to trust, and I can't. It is breaking me apart. Sometimes I use up all my courage just getting out of bed and making myself go to work. I am sad. I am tired. I want to be courageous. I want to be faithful. I am just fearful.

butterflytears said...
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Unknown said...

Dear Butterfly Tears:

I prayed that someone would answer your blog post. This morning when I just could not sleep any longer, I knew that "someone" is me. You are an amazing woman, that has been asked to show courage thru a lot of adversity. This last weekend I was having a difficult moment and wondered how anyone could possibly know how I was feeling? I wanted an answer because there are days where the "faith" is not there. As I searched I found comfort in D&C 58:2-5 For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation. For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand. Remember this, which I tell you before, that you may lay it to heart, and receive that which is to follow.

As I said in my last comment under "being and eternal oneness", we all have a mountain in front of us. There is no way around it so we all have to climb it. We can't do it alone and sometimes that "celestial" help is the hardest to ask for. There are days where you just can't take one more step up that mountain. Then somehow, someone comes along and takes your hand and helps you walk even just 2 steps further, and gives you the strength to do 2 steps on your own. If you look behind you, you realize you have come so far.

The blessing that I received from the scriptures above is noone was telling me "I know how it feels". I got "peace" from knowing that I "cannot behold with my natural eyes" his design.

Please remember that there are so many pushing for you. The walk up the mountain is hard, but you never have to do it alone.

Unknown said...

OK, it has been forever since this blog has been updated and I keep thinking that maybe I am supposed to be learning something from it. I thought that I had learned but it is amazing what 2 months can do. Right now, I have no "courage" and no "faith". Both require so much. The "courage" to make the changes, and the "faith" to take that step into the dark. I have felt for some time that I must be "failing" at therapy. As I researched on the internet I found that you need to have a "reason" to change and then the "motivation" to make the change. I have often felt that I was a religious person. I never made a decision without consulting with the Lord. I now question every decision I made. If I have the "courage" to make the life changes that I make, I risk losing a lot. Do I have the "faith" to take that step?

butterflytears said...

This May Be Bad Advice:
Sometimes the reason to change and the motivation to make a change are the same. Sometimes circumstances are just so unbearable as they are, that any consequence that follows can't be worse than what you are dealing with now. Sometimes worse but different still feels better than the terrible now. Maybe it is time to make a decision, and then ask God for confirmation. I don't know how God answers your prayers, but quite often I hear nothing, and I guess you have to be prepared for that too. Maybe that is what faith and courage are. Being responsible for your own decisions, whether right or wrong, and still believing that God will love you even while you are screwing up. I wear fear like a comfy sweater, maybe I should try courage and faith on for size.