Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Finding Truth

On what foundation do we base our truth? I have noticed as I meet with many, oftentimes people base their truth on what the media tells them--or what a political leader might say. But what are the media and political leaders basing their opinions and perceptions? Political leaders base their strategic viewpoints on what the polls indicate, so as to keep themselves popular. The media bases their viewpoints on trends in rating and viewership, so as to keep them on the air. Think: what source is the world getting their information, and therefore, basing their views, perceptions and even their truths? "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" (Matt 7:20). Be careful, distortion and deception comes quickly!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have read this post a couple of times and I have to admit, from one that struggles to feel the "spirit" sometimes it is difficult to discern between "truth" and "error". When you quote Matthew, "By their fruits ye shall know them." When you struggle with your emotions and sometimes the internal emotion of joy and anxiety feel the same to you it is hard to know what to believe.