Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reflections on "the Secret"

I took the plunge and read and processed aspects of the book "the Secret" along with the ideas of the " law of attraction" and I have come to find that though some of the ideas are beneficial, the inferences made in this book can be rather damaging. The ideas in this book are not new--for generations, mankind has been attempting to avoid responsibility (see my post dated July 2009). And indeed, books like "the Secret" espouse the doctrine of accountability avoidance--though, the author's idea of keeping a gratitude journal is an exceptional idea--however, if you spend your time just being grateful and sending your positive energy out to the universe, I am sorry to say, nothing will happen! This life is a life of volition, and we need to take action to have things happen for us. For so James, the half-brother of Jesus states:

Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast
faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works (James 2:17-18 KJV)

James Arthur Ray is one of the most famous self-help gurus on the concept of The Law of Attraction

He is the author of The Science of Success: How to Attract Prosperity and Create Harmonic Wealth Through Proven Principles. He is also one of the co-authors in the book/movie The Secret.

He says, “Here’s the question I want you to consider - do you treat yourself the way that you want other people to treat you?”

As Mel Lawrenz writes in an article on the Secret: "Does that sound familiar? It is a twist, a pretty severe twist, of one of the most universal principles of life called the Golden Rule, which Jesus described as “do to others as you would have them do to you." "So this tried and true egoless principle of life (“do to others...”) becomes the ultimate form of self-centeredness (“treat yourself...”).

"The Law of Attraction would lead you to believe that you are entitled to whatever you want, and that you have the power within yourself to gain it. I feel that this is one of the biggest problems of society--entitlement! And it should not be perpetuated." The book The Secret says: “Begin right now to shout to the universe: life is so easy. Life is so good. All good things come to me.” And “You deserve all good things life has to offer.” “You are the creator of you, and the law of attraction is your magnificent tool to create whatever you want in your life. Welcome to the magic of life and the magnificence of you.” Having this line of thought, would lead to an increase of narcissism and a decrease in a dependence on God... which will truly bring you what you need!

Mel Lawrenz continues: "Very different from the message of Jesus: the first will be last and the last will be first; lose your life and you will find it. "

Lawrenz concludes: "And in this we find the confusion of The Law of attraction. It is all about the Ego, for the Ego, obsessed with the Ego." Even Newsweek magazine offers this ethical critique: "On an ethical level, The Secret appears deplorable. It concerns itself almost entirely with a narrow range of middle class concerns -- houses, cars, vacations, followed by health and relationships, with the rest of humanity a very distant sixth."

It is a dangerous idea to serve yourself. Indeed, we do need to get our needs met, but if we focus exclusively on ourselves, we will be lost. One of the purposes of this life is to serve other (Moses 1:39)

Please give me feedback if you agree or disagree with my ideas, I love discussion.
In this polarized society we live in, where all truth has been determined for us by political correctness, I fear that the art of discussion has been lost


Beck said...

Jade, this is very well-written!

I agree with the articles about The Secret-- it leads to a sense of entitlement. And I agree with YOU-- entitlement is a scourge on our society. I see it so often, especially in young people. I struggle with how to give my children things they need and gift them with some things they want, without also bestowing on them this feeling that they are entitled to it all. They are very young yet, but as they continue to age I worry more and more about this.

You've hit right on the answer... The REAL secret to life is Service. I want to shout that from the pulpit and pound it into heads. I guess the best place to begin is by example, but it's a huge leap to get out of my comfort zone! Baby steps, I guess.

I am heartened by Disney's most recent ad campaign-- a free day in the park if you give community service. Have you heard about this?

Keep up the good work. Your writings are a world away from the crazy kid I knew in high school.

jade mangus said...

Thanks Beck... If that is really your name. That was great feedback. It is awesome to hear that Disney is running such a strong campaign, especially when one considers that many of Disney's fans suffer from entitlement (This is just from my observation of countless vacations to Disneyland)

As I have been practicing psychotherapy, I have come to find out that entitlement is one of the core issues to addictions, depression, anxiety and a host of other disorders.

Thanks for the feedback!