Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Grace and Works

Concerning Grace verses works: the aspect of these principles which people don’t seem to understand is the fact that they are not mutually exclusive at all, they work in concert with each other—-you can’t have one without the other. You learn how to receive Grace, by the works you render. For instance, if you are service oriented, and think outside of yourself, you are always giving grace to others, thus you learn how to give grace to yourself and learn how to receive Grace from on High--which is always there for every one of Heavenly Father's children. It takes our works (obedience, sacrifice, service and consecration) to understand how to access spiritual gifts, such as Grace. The reason: When you help others, you see others as God sees them—-you then begin to understand that God sees you as you see others. And if you have charity (the pure love of Christ) and mercy towards your fellow men, you realize that Heavenly Father has the same view towards you—-and infinitely more! And then you begin to learn how to incorporate grace in your life, which will help you to overcome any emotional problem you may have suffered.

1 comment:

butterflytears said...

Grace is a difficult concept to grasp. When you have lived your life in shame, there is really no belief in ever deserving it or ever doing enough good works to deserve it. As I have continued on this road of healing, I try to remember that I do deserve God's grace just because I am His child and He loves me. That is why it is called Grace because it is unmerited divine assistance. I will never truly be able to do enough to deserve it, but because I love God and I want to deserve it, I will do all I can to work towards being worthy of it. I will repent and try to apply the Atonement in my life which is another unmerited gift. Maybe this is incorrect thinking, but it has allowed me to begin accepting these undeserved gifts from a loving Heavenly Father and Savior who I "hope" know how hard I am trying.